Justin Sigmon is The Club at Sea Palms’ PGA Head Professional and was previously the Lead Instructor of The Justin Sigmon Golf Academy at Stone Creek Golf Club in Valdosta, Ga. Justin grew up in the Stone Creek residential community and participated in the club’s junior golf program. He played on the Lowndes County high school football and golf teams. After high school Justin attended Valdosta State University where he earned a degree in Criminal Justice in 2013. While earning his degree Justin worked on his golf game, lowered his scores considerably, and decided to pursue a career as a PGA professional. After passing the 36 hole Georgia Section PGA playing abilities test on his first try he joined the full time staff at Stone Creek. 

Justin has an excellent track record of working with good players pursuing the next level. He has a detailed program for players looking to develop into an elite level of golf. Justin specializes in coaching students who play competitive golf and helping them navigate the demands of playing competitively. Justin coaches his students to gain all the skills to compete at their highest level and to get a good grasp on the mental game as well! Justin is leading the way in excellent instruction. Justin was also the 2017 Georgia PGA Central Chapter Teacher of the Year, 2019 Golf Professional of the Year, & The 2020 Georgia PGA Merchandiser of the Year.  Book a lesson, get your clubs repaired, or a club-fitting with one of the best instructors in the south!

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