I hear it all the time. Tournament golf is just different than a regular round with your buddies. You feel different pressure when playing in tournaments. I feel the same pressure all of my fellow golfers feel when I play in events with the pros. Whether you are trying to close out your flight at the member-guest or trying to hold off the pack to win the Masters there is huge pressure. The only way to get comfortable with playing in tournaments is to play in more tournaments. Experience is invaluable in the game of golf. The longer you play and the more reps you put in the better you will get and the more confident you will be in your game. A lot of times if the tournament pressure gets to you it means you have not put in enough reps. It is your body’s natural way of letting you know that more practice is needed. It’s saying I’m not ready for this! I got through the same emotions that all of you feel when playing in tournaments and I can promise you Jason Day and Rory feel the same way too. They have just played in so many tournaments that they learn how to use their nerves for good and not evil. We all feel the nerves on the first tee. If you are getting into competitive golf and would like to know more about how to cope with the pressure come see me. I would love to help you build a routine that will hold up under the most intense pressure golf has to offer. Whether you are trying to beat your best friend in a match or trying to win the club championship I can help.
Justin Sigmon, PGA
Head Professional
Stone Creek Golf Club