When the going gets rough on the golf course don’t forget to fall back on your routine. Golf is a hard game and it is made even harder when you put too much pressure on yourself to score well. I experience this a lot playing in tournaments in the Georgia Section PGA. There is a lot of pressure to perform well and the pressure is mostly self-made! We as golfers build up the hype in our own minds sometimes to our own detriment. When this sort of thing does happen in a tournament or on the course for a casual round remember to fall back on your pre-shot routine. If you don’t know what your routine is or you don’t have one than I would love to help you discover your very own pre-shot routine. Everyone will be different but it is something that you need to have to play well. Playing golf thinking about your swing or how to putt will never work well. You need to think about your routine and where your target is! I like to use an analogy to hammer this point home. Have you ever been driving down the road with one hand on the wheel and not thinking about a whole lot? There isn’t a whole lot going through your head because you have been driving for years. Well think about the last time a cop pulled behind you. Whether you were speeding or breaking any laws I guarantee your driving habits changed. You probably got tight with your driving mechanics. You probably went from one hand to two hands and you probably started looking at your speedometer. Chances are you may even get so tight that you wind up getting a ticket. Golf is the same way in the sense that you can’t try to steer the ball. You just have to go through your routine and then let it go! Let me know if this help.